Monday, January 24, 2011

Kristina's cinnamon rolls

During Kristina's winter break before her study abroad program in Australia, she wants to do some cooking and baking. She decided to make cinnamon rolls first. She made them before at school and her friends
loved it. This is when she prepared the dough.

She had the dough raised and rolled up with all the goodies.

During the baking, they smelled SO good. But.... they need the sugar glaze.

Voila! They are all ready for me. Thanks, Kristina.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

fun with photobooth

My brothers visited SF summer last year. We used to be playful during the childhood. We would think of tricks to trick/torture our house maid or each other. So we thought it would be fun to take some sibling pictures over my apple laptop camera.

At the beginning, we were just warming up. Then....

It seems like that we are getting ready to goof off.

Bob's face got distorted....:]

This one is my favorite one.