This summer, Kristina is going to the Farallon Islands for her internship.
It's an eight-week program. She will be there to do a lot of sea-bird research. It's an awesome program for conservation biology. The people there live life in the most basic way. They use solar energy, collected rainwater, twice-a-month food supply. She is going to grow a lot; she will appreciate nature and what she has in life.

While we waited for her and the other intern to shop for their food supply, Brittany and I were walking on the trails next to the office. I saw some swans on the lake.

The night before she got on the boat for the three to five hour ride to Farallon, we all went to eat at downtown Petaluma. She looks tired, but she is excited and anxious.

This is a priceless picture because of the way the picture was taken. Logan usually doesn't smile that way. When he did, Brittany and I thought it was really funny and I couldn't stop laughing.

At 6:00 AM, Kristina finished loading all the supplies and was ready to head to the dock for the boat ride. We wish her a great experience that enriches her life and encourages her to learn more.
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