Aug. 24th was the day we took Kristina to her college, Pomona College in Claremont, California. Logan and I debated with her for days and months about this school, and of course she insisted on her choice. I can see why. She was like this little fish and found the right pond to swim in. She looked right at home with the people, room, and the whole thing.
This is Kristina in front of her dorm building.

This is the dorm building again. Being a 24/7 mother, many people thought that I would cry when we had to say good-bye.
Hey, people out there! I didn't cry at all. How could I? It was very hard to feel sad especially when I saw her so happy and when she couldn't wait to wave goodbye to us with her signature smile.
I'm sure she will have 4 wonderful years ahead of her.

This is inside of the building and right in front of her room. This room was built especially for handicapped people, so it includes a big bathroom. Kristina shares this room with a roommate from NY. Where is Kristina? She went off to socialize with her new friends, of course. That's her!

That day was so boiling hot! (98 F) . Logan got so tired of sweating, so he decided to rest in the car which was luckily parked under the shade. There are tons of big trees in Pomona, and that is a good thing.

Brittany likes her big sister's school, too. Logan was like "ummm....... very expensive, dear." I was like "work as hard as your sister!" and of course Brittany's reaction is :( .
my hair is so pretty... <3 :P
haha that second picture is ACTUALLY the Little Bridges Hall of Music where we had an atrocious amount of orientation lectures about WELCOME and DONT RAPE EACH OTHER and ALCOHOL AND WEED IS EVIL!!!! and other lovely stuff.
but that first picture is DEFINITELY my dorm building <3
Congratualtions Kristina!!! you might be sad and miss your family eventually. It happened to me :)
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