Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day

I remember that one of my mom's favorite flowers was the Peony flower.  Usually the season for this gorgeous flower is very short so I was really happy to find it for her Mother's Day.  I hope she is smiling somewhere.  In Chinese culture, the Peony represents "wealth" but my mom only loved it for its bloom and subtle fragrance.  Dickson & Bob, I hope you like the choice I had for Mom. 
Mother's Day is never easy for me.  Occasionally, it's even harder to handle than her birthday.  I see people celebrate this day with their moms, but I can only miss her badly.  She was my thesaurus when it came to bringing up my kids and lots of other things, but I had to  listen much harder for her voice for any advice during  the past 7 years.  Love you and miss you very much, Mom.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Claremont 1

During Brittany's spring break, we drove down to LA and visited Kristina.  She showed us around the village.  This band was playing on the street.  As a music major, I had no idea what the name was for the instrument on the very right. Brittany somehow knew. She's pretty sure its a didgeridoo, an Australian instrument (interesting!). Shame on me.

Those days were quite hot.  We went to drink some smoothies at a place better than Jamba Juice, if you believe that's possible.  Brittany took this picture of Kristina, and it shows her personality quite well.

Brittany must be enjoying that tiny ladybug on her hand.  I somehow enjoy this picture of her red hair.

On the cement ground of the back patio behind the smoothie shop, we found some leaf imprints.  It's a smart way to make the cement look more interesting.

She looks happy to be at Pomona, and we are happy that she is happy.  What more can you ask for?

Claremont again 2

We took the 101 this time and saw a lot of these bells.  I asked Logan about it and he told me that the bells marked the original El Camino Real (the present 101  from SF to LA). It was very hard to take the picture of the bell when the car was going 65 mph.

When Kristina needed to study for her Biology, we kept her company.  You can tell Brittany and I took off our shoes to relax.

The Pomona campus is nice--full of trees and grass.  It is rare to have green colors around her when you feel like you're getting cooked by 95 degree heat.

Logan was reading Kristina's finished bio test.  Good luck to her! Hope she didn't fail it. 
We wanted to thank Kristina's hospitality, so Brittany and I made this fun board and sent it to her.  It was a big surprise for Kristina when she received it. She had no idea what we were sending her. :)